Elsevier Science Author Workshop
Central Library and School of Life Sciences, JNU in association with Elsevier Science organized an Author Workshop on 18 September 2012 at 3.45 p.m. in the auditorium of School of Life Sciences. Please join us on tea at 3.30 pm at the venue.
The Workshop conducted by Dr. Sheba from Elsevier Science. Dr. Sheba is a publisher in Life Science Division in Elsevier Science.
Objective of Author Workshop:
The intention to conduct a workshop at JNU is to provide insights into Scientific Publishing to an early career researchers as well as PhD's with the objective of making informed decisions for publishing a research article to journals of International repute.
Author Workshop aims to deliver a globally accepted module to the researcher aiming to publish research outcomes & findings in Scholarly journals. It also introduces aspects of author responsibilities, preparing strong manuscripts, appropriate approaches for communication through research articles.
Some of the aspects that will be covered in the workshop are as follows:
- Understand the general structure of a research article prior to submission for review
- Technical aspects of scientific manuscript writing before submission to International Journal
- Author rights and responsibilities
- Publishing Guidelines such as ethics, plagiarism
- Bibliometric aspects of publishing